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Kiba Water Park

Tucked away in a corner of a tiny river next to Kiba Park is an awesome and free children’s pool; Kiba Water park or better known as Jabu Jabu Park. Where most parks turn on the fountain and let kids play in it, this one goes several steps further and is closer to a tiny water park than anything else.

More than your average water park

This Jabu Jabu park has a lot of other small attractions that are fun for the kids t that you wouldn’t normally see at another park.

There are elephants lined up on either side of the stream of water, that occasionally shoot arching water out of their mouths. (Be careful for these, I had a few close calls)

There are starfish who also shoot pillars of water straight up from the ground.

Sometimes the staff will bring out a big hose, and make it rain water through out the park. (Be warned: they tend to target kids only, but sometimes they will spray the adults as well)

Juno’s favorite

Surprisingly her favorite thing was just the plain old pool. At the bottom of the park, there is a reasonable size kiddy pool, where 2+ year-olds were getting in by them selves. For the most part, Juno just loved trying to swim, running in and out of the pool and occasionally jumping in and making a splash.

Another thing she did a lot was walk up and down the tiny stream of water between the two pools.

The park is a long rectangle that is slightly slanted so the water will run from one pool to the other. Juno liked to crawl like an alligator between the two of them.

Upper Pool

Lower Pool

The upper pool is much smaller and shallower than the lower pool. Even my 1-year-old was able to get in with little trouble.

The neat thing about the upper pool is there are four jets placed on the bottom of each of the pillars that push the water in a circular motion. The kids loved this and would chase floating balls in circles.

Resting Area For Parents

Unfortunately, there is no swimming available for the parents. The only parents that do get wet, are the ones that end up slipping and falling into the stream (happened twice while I was there).

There are a good amount of places for parents to sit around the pool. Many of them you are actually able to dip your feet. There are also, however very limited, some benches/ tables in shade.

Outside the confines of the water park, there is a good amount of space on the floor that many parents would spread out sheets and have a picnic. However, past 12-noon, the sun will come beating down making those seats pretty unenjoyable.


Kiba Water Park



Park Features:


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