Hey Stephen! Happy Tuesday.
That looks like a fun job to do.There is another one, right there. Must be some type of an emergency on the river. I don’t know. This is supposed to be the quiet river if your remember.
Tea man! Tea!So I’m at the cafe. And the answer is no.
It’s coffee.. all the time. *sip* *Is it normal to pee every 30 minutes after drinking tea* (Google Search)Oh look at that. This is a thing. This is definitely a thing. Peeing a lot after drinking green tea? Here’s why! That’s so me. Alright, consuming in excess - no. I don’t drink that much green tea. Relation to caffeine and bladder, do I drink too much caffeine? I doubt that. I drink like 5 cups of coffee a day.. that is definitely not it. God that is super embarrassing. Naaah I don’t want to be that guy.
Yeah, so that’s the problem with tea for me. Every time I drink tea, I have to go pee. A lot. Like too much. So there is this one time, where I was working at the check in counter for ANA in America San Francisco. They have tea, obviously, green tea.
So I drank some green tea, and I had to.. every other customer I had to go to the bathroom. It was horrible! I couldn’t get any work done. It was absolutely embarrassing. Not good.
It’s not like I’m a tea hater or anything. Apparently green tea is really good for you.
I really wish I’d be drinking more green tea. It has less caffeine and apparently its just way better for your health in so many different ways, than coffee. But you know... Don’t drink it.
Hey man, So my question for you is - Kind of changing the topic on this a lot - Do you believe in aliens? There is some pretty crazy footage on youtube and around, about this tic-tac thing that moves really fast.
Let me know what you think, I’ll see you Thursday
Vocabulary Match
Embarrassing, Bladder, to consume , to Sip
1. ___________ = to drink a small amount
2. ___________ = Part of your body where you keep urine or pee
3. ___________ = To eat or drink something
4. ___________ = Feeling of self-consciousness, shame or awkwardness
Synonym Match
Complete the Sentence
Comprehension Questions
Does Mason drink tea or coffee?
What happens when Mason drinks tea?
Discussion Questions
Do you prefer to drink Coffee or Tea?
How much coffee or tea is too much?
Is having to go pee a lot embarrassing to you?