So there’s some things that I just..I just don’t like man!
Like I come back home, after a long day of work. And I’m super tired.
And I’m really hoping that something on the routine - the nighttime, bedtime routine is done, but I get home and all I want to do is relax and I see the kids.
And they are just so excited, they’re like “Daddy’s Home!” YEAAAH!!!
Jumping up and down with tons of energy. And then I look at the floor, and its just sprawled with toys. And the table is still a mess... and its like, Oh Jesus Christ!
Can I just close the door and go back to work?
Hey Stephen! On the bike again, headed to Odaiba. With the family. First time for Juno on the bike. Change of plans. Quick pit stop for lunch.
Hey dude, Happy Tuesday. In case I didn’t say it, because I always seem to forget.
Yeah man!
I really love how you totally played it off like you knew what Ikumen was, and then went home to ask your wife. Anyways for me, I never really thought of myself as Ikuman or Ikumen, Nikuman... Anyways, I never really thought of myself as Ikumen. Because, like my dad was the ultimate Ikumen. So he was a stay at home dad. He stayed home and quit his job
And he took care of me and my sister growing up.
So this is the way I was kind of thinking about it.They are tons of fun. I love them. They are cute. They are so much fun to play with, but... And thats a big But, that only really last for like an hour, 2 hours and then, na-ah! Then things really start to wear you down.
So instead of helping around the house, to give my wife a break. I mainly just take care of the kids. Cause then she can do all the chores around the house, at her own pace.
This is great for the kids too, cause they have a blast! They are having tons of fun cause daddies home! So I got to be like the only guy who doesn’t do overtime. My default is to come home on time before dinner. Because that Woah… thats really red
Because thats when the whole routine starts, ok, so when I get home thats when everything starts.When I get home, that’s when I take care of the kids and the kids just cling on to me like freaking bugs or something.
We have a lot of things to do. First we do a lot of playing, and then we have to do showers.
And we clean up all their toys, do their homework, dinner time, story time and then bed time. It’s a lot Usually its 2 or 3 hours to do all that! The entire time I’m doing that, that gives my wife time to actually make the dinner, clean the table and things like that.
We all sleep together too. Before we used to all sleep in the same bed. It’s been very natural for us all to sleep together. I think its a very human thing too. I definitely think that this was a good choice. And I know this wasn’t… like sleeping together or co-sleeping. Isn’t something that they do in America. I think, 3 months or 2 months I was sleeping in my own room.
So my question is -What do you think about co-sleeping man? How did you grow up and what are you doing? Alright I’ll see you Thursday!
I was talking to Hiro to see about, what she thinks if I’m Ikumen or not..
And the answer was no! I’m not. I used to be.
sprawled, routine, played it off, chores
1. ___________ = a routine task at especially at home
2. ___________ = procedure or action that is repeated and doesn't change
3. ___________ = spread out over a large area in an untidy or irregular way.
4. ___________ = attempt to represent something as something else
Synonym Match
Complete the Phrase
Comprehension Questions
Mason's dad did what in order to look after him?
Does Mason think it's hard to take care of kids?
Discussion Questions
Do you think Ikumen way of thinking is important?
Who usually takes care of the kids in the family?
Who usually does all the chores around the house?
What wears you down during your daily routine?