So actually have a slight problem with my bike. So that was the spare key.
Which means, my key is not broken. Its the lock! Which is not good, cause then I can’t use my bike. That’s annoying! I’m going to go get that fixed. But before that... Before that..
I’m too tired. I don’t know if it’s the wind or the rain or something. But, this week has been pretty tiring. Alright lets go get a coffee.
Just take a little bit of this. You crush all this stuff up. And then you smell it.
And it smells freaking great. We do this when we go hiking. We like to go and take the plants, especially the pines like these. And you just like crush them up and smash them in your hands like this.
It’s starting to rain! Let's get somewhere dry.
So Stephen, yeah the whole thing that you mentioned about...
What was it? People no, kids not being able to score points or not keeping score.
It’s freaking ridiculous!
When I was a kid everyone got a trophy. And I didn’t like that!
We lost the game and I still got a trophy, and you know what I thought of the trophy?
I thought it was a piece of junk. (Still have the Trophy though)
Oh great a trophy! But everybody gets a trophy. Whats the point of this?
So I did hear some really really great advice, when I was a kid growing up.
And then I completely just didn’t pay attention to it. Didn’t go into sports, and played video games by myself for years! I’m not great example of this advice but...
So basically what the advice was is - The purpose of good sportsmanship is not to say there are no winners or losers. Because there is winners! There are winners!
So thats the main goal (is) how can you improve so you may compete better and you may win? The goal is to improve yourself. And if you want to improve yourself, then you really need to be fun to play with. You can get angry for losing, (but) you shouldn’t be a poor loser. Because if you are a poor loser, then no one is going to want to play with you.
And the whole goal is to get as much time on the field. As much time practicing with good people as possible. That’s how you are going to improve.
That’s what it is...
It’s not just…
Maybe you’re a great player, but if you're not a good team player too.
No ones going to want to play with you.
Is it still raining is the question. My guess is no, its not raining.
And I would be wrong! It’s kind of raining? Just a little bit, it should be fine.
So Stephen, The last few trips that we’ve had, we haven’t planned them.
They have just been, pretty spontaneous. Friday night Were’ like "hey what do you want to do tomorrow?"
"You want to go hiking?"
That’s basically what it is. I’m not much of a planner.
So stephen are you a planner?
Alright, I think
I think I’m going to call it a day here. And try to go get my bike fixed.
Or that lock. I might have to cut it, which is…
I’m not looking forward to that.
Alright I’ll see you Thursday man.
Keep Score, Spare Key, Ridiculous, Junk, Trophy
_____________ = Kept in addition incase you lose the original
_____________ = a cup shaped prize awarded to the winners
_____________ = Something of little or no value
_____________ = To count and tally points
_____________ = Crazy and absurd
Synonym Match
Match the sentence
Comprehension Questions
Did Mason play a lot of sports when he was growing up?
What type of bike trouble did Mason have?
Discussion Questions
Do you think good sportsmanship is important? Why?
Have you met a poor loser before? How did they make you feel?
If you were going to give advice to kid in middle school, what would it be?