1. サマリー
2. 理解度を確かめる
3. 語彙マッチング
4. フレーズを完成させよう
5. 会話を始めよう!
サマリー / SUMMARY
What if... all the Avengers died before they could even unite? Nick Fury's Avenger recruitment efforts go bad, when everyone on the list starts dying from a mysterious killer. At the end of the episode, the killer is revealed to be Hank Pym. He was avenging his daughter Hope, who died on an Avengers mission.... (That's a lot of avenging)
His killing spree began with Iron Man. Iron man wasn't feeling so good, and shield was going to give him an injection to supress the symptoms. Hank, using the power of ant-man to shrink really small, snuck into the syringe and killed Tony Stark.
Thor, the god of thunder, arrives to earth for the first time. Immediately he is shot and killed by Hawkeye's arrow. Hawkeye confused how he could have mis-fired, didn't know that hank had kicked his finger. Hawkeye is taken into prison for murder, and then is murdered himself.
At this point SHEILD is attempting to stop the Incredible Hulk. Hank rides a sniper bullet and enters the Hulk. He then makes the hulks cells grow uncontrollably until the Hulk himself explodes into a million pieces.
Loki the God of Mischief learns of the death of his brother Thor, and comes to destroy Earth. Nick Fury convinces the Loki to help bring justice to Hank. With Loki on the good side, they successfully capture Hank and get justice. But in the end, (kind of predictably) Loki betrays Fury and decides to take over Earth anyways.
Nick Fury thinks there is something wrong inside shield. (True /False)
Nick Fury was the last name on the Avengers list. (True / False)
Tony Stark died from poison. (True / False)
Why did Hank want to kill all the Avengers?
What two characters were looking to avenge a death of a family member?
Recruit, syringe, unite, killing spree , murdered, suppress the symptoms , imprisoned, get justice, predictably, betrays
1. ___________ = something obvious and easily could guess
2. ___________ = killing many people in a row, one after another
3. ___________ = to make things fair or equal (sometimes that means killing)
4. ___________ = a tube that you use to poke and insert liquids into the body
5. ___________ = keep someone in a place, not allowing them to leave
6. ___________ = to be disloyal and to do something bad to your side/team
7. ___________ = to come together for a common purpose
8. ___________ = to hire or enlist someone to work
9. ___________ = Not a cure, but will make you feel better by lowering or concealing conditions
10. __________ = Killing someone unlawfully

Have you ever been betrayed by someone? Did you see it coming?
Have you ever binged or been on a spree of some kind? (Not killing, but movies, TV, shopping)
Do you think there would be new Avengers in this universe?